Our Painting Services

Residential and Small Commercial
Interior and Exterior painting

Reliable, professional, and friendly painting contractors for your home and small business properties in the Milwaukie area, Portland metropolitan area, and all surrounding cities in Clackamas and Multnomah counties.

Contact us for your next painting project!

Professional, Reliable Contractors

Spielman Painting is a respected painting contractor serving Oregon’s metropolitan Portland area for many years.

We’re fully licensed, including CCB, and are bonded and insured.

We’re also a lead-based paint renovator and are certified to deal with lead paint removal and repairs on all homes, including those built before 1978.

Skilled Tradespeople

What makes our painting team unique is that we are a smaller family-owned business, which sets us apart from bigger companies because you know who’s coming to your home every time. You may even already have a relationship with us! Or know someone who does.

With years of experience painting all types of surfaces and properties, we approach every project with the expertise needed to complete all painting tasks the best way possible.

And when we’re not using a paint sprayer to cover large areas, we pride ourselves on being tape-free, which not only saves us time, it also saves you money. Our expert freehand skills ensure clean, precise lines wherever you look: trim, ceilings, corners, stairwells, railings, cupboards, shelves, and every other tricky spot in your space!

Honest, Free Estimates

We visit your house or business and talk with you about your vision, your needs, and other considerations before we give you an estimate. We’ll walk you through the costs and make sure everything is clear for us and for you before any work is started.

Residential Painting Projects

Whatever you need painted around your property, interior and exterior of your house, garage, shed, studio, guest house, staining, shed and more, we’re your residential painting experts!

Got a tricky situation? Get in touch! We can handle your high ceilings, tall chimneys, woodwork and wood paneling, fireplace surrounds, kitchen cupboards, tight spaces, and more.

Planning to sell your home? We’re also well-experienced with touching up and refreshing the exterior and interior of your home in preparation for potential buyers, and can help you decide on the best colors and trends to appeal to buyers in today’s market

Moving in or moving out? Give us a call to spruce up your pad and help make yourself, or the next family or tenant, feel right at home.

Small Commercial Painting Projects

From offices to retail spaces, gyms to car repair shops, corner grocery stores, and everything in between, we’re your go-to small business painting contractor.

If you manage a property like a small apartment building or other rental space and need a reliable painting partner that will show up when you need them and get the job done, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Putting Spielman Painting on your contractor list is one of the easiest business decisions you’ll ever make!

Design Assistance

Need a paint refresh but not sure what colors to choose for your home or business? Inside or outside, we can help you decide on the best choice for your space and vision. And we’re definitely not afraid to work with bold color palettes!

Tell us what you have in mind and we'll provide recommendations to take your project from start to finish.

Specialty Design Work

Want to match your home or business to your personality or brand? Let us help you make it happen!

Have a character mural in mind for a child’s room?

Want your favorite sports team’s colors in your TV room, bedroom, man cave, or she shed?

Dreaming of a unique multi-surface image painted with care on your ceiling, walls, or other indoor and outdoor spaces?

Need your company logo painted big and bold on an interior or exterior accent wall?

Bring it on! We’re ready to help you make whatever you envision for your space into reality!

We Use Top Quality Materials

We recommend high quality Benjamin Moore Paint to all of our clients. However your preferences and budget needs are key considerations in choosing what we use, and you always have the final decision.

Friendly, Affordable, Fast

When we give our word about cost and timeline, we mean it. Our business is not only about painting, it’s about making our customers happy. It makes us truly happy when our clients absolutely love the results!

Repairs & A Clean Workspace, Start to Finish

To ensure your complete satisfaction, we take care of small surface hole repair and other odd fixing that needs to be done to prepare for painting. We also ensure the whole workspace is cleaned up after the project is complete.

Happy Return Customers

We have many happy customers, and they’re also some of our best clients! A lot of our business is return customers who come back to us again and again because they know we do good work. Property and apartment managers, especially, because they can rely on us to get the job done right and done fast.

Word of mouth recommendations are common from our happy customers. Our business has thrived on word of mouth for the entire duration of our existence. We’ve never advertised!

Getting Started With Us

What To Expect When You Work With Spielman Painting

  1. Request an Estimate

    Get in touch with us through our website “get a quote” form. You can also text us, call us, or email us to start the conversation. We will get back to you within 3 business days to discuss your project and to make an appointment with you to do a walkthrough of your space.

  2. Meet & Greet

    To get to know what you have in mind and assess your needs, we visit you at your home or business for a walkthrough. This is when you tell us about your vision and any specific requirements like timeline, materials, etc., and provide details to us on each room or area to be painted.

    Expect us to ask a lot of questions! This enables us to create a plan and timeline for your project, and to flag any complexities we might foresee.

  3. Choose Colors & Materials

    For most people, this is the fun part! You may already have all the colors picked out. Or perhaps you’re sticking with the same colors and just want a refresh and/or repair. Great!

    But if you can’t decide what to do where, we’re happy to discuss color schemes and various things to consider. We’re even happy provide recommendations for each wall, ceiling, cupboard, piece of trim, baseboard, door and window frame, inside and out.

  4. Receive an Estimate

    Once the walkthrough is finished and you’ve shared all the details and answered our questions, we write up an estimate for your review. The estimate includes a scope of work, including your chosen colors and materials, a budget, and a timeline. The estimate helps us make sure we understand everything you’re expecting from us, and helps you understand costs and logistics.

  5. Review & Sign Off

    Once we’re all in agreement, we finalize the estimate into a contract and all of us sign off on it as a record of what we agreed upon.

  6. We Get to Work!

    We show up for work on the agreed-upon date with all of our equipment and materials needed for your project.

    We prep each room or area as we go, covering any large furniture or items. We remove switch plates and cover all flooring in the workspace. We also complete any small drywall repairs, sanding, texturing and priming as discussed in our meet and greet. And finally the fun part, the painting.

Request a free estimate

Take the first step toward making your freshly painted vision a reality!